

In 2001, the Comú of La Massana commissioned the production of the Estudi de viabilitat i orientació estratègica per a la creació d’un espai natural protegit a l’àrea del Coma Pedrosa (La Massana)[Study of the feasibility and strategic orientation for the creation of a natural protected open space in the area of Coma Pedrosa (La Massana)]. The results of the study allowed it to be concluded that the creation of a natural protected open space was justified and feasible, and the declaration of Les Valls del Coma P
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  • In 2001, the Comú of La Massana commissioned the production of the Estudi de viabilitat i orientació estratègica per a la creació d’un espai natural protegit a l’àrea del Coma Pedrosa (La Massana)[Study of the feasibility and strategic orientation for the creation of a natural protected open space in the area of Coma Pedrosa (La Massana)].

    The results of the study allowed it to be concluded that the creation of a natural protected open space was justified and feasible, and the declaration of Les Valls del Coma Pedrosa Natural Park was made, by means of a communal ordinance, on 18 December 2003.



    La Massana

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